2023Willdife of Peñuelas Natural Reserve, Fundación Casa de la Paz and Anglomaerican.The effect of forest fires as facilitators of Rattus rattus invasion. Fondecyt regular 1221644. Anid (Chile).Multimedia virtual forest trip. Fondo concursable innovación para el aprendizaje práctico remoto 2020-2021. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Co-investigador.
2021Encounters in the forest. Multimedia interrviews. Innovación para el aprendizaje remoto 2020 – 2021. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Investigador responsable.
2020Puma and jaguar in Latin America: Valuing biodiversity and understanding socioecological systems. The project was carried out within the framework of objective number 15 for sustainable development promoted by the United Nations. Co-investigator.
2023.Understanding the epidemiology and evolutionary relationship of avian influenza virus in the interface of wild birds and backyard poultry production in different ecoregions of Chile. CONICYT – FONDECYT Regular 2019. FONDECYT 1191747. Co–Investigator.
2021.Predation risk in rodents: assessing its effect on behavior, physiological stress and andes hantavirus prevalence in Oligoryzomys longicaudatus. CONICYT – FONDECYT de Iniciación. FONDECYT 11180631. Co-Investigator.
2020Sarna in Vicuñas: epidemiology and strategies for its prevention and control. CONCYTEC.
2017Study the metapopulations of guanacos (Lama Guanicoe) in the Cipreses River and the San Andrés River basins—fund for Scientific Research Cachapoal, Pacific Hydro Chile.
2019Forest fires and biodiversity. U Columbia.
2018Establishment of native flower bands to promote populations of functional arthropods in fruit farms of the Metropolitan Region. Regional CONICYT.
2018NETBIOAMERICAS (Networking Vertebrate Biodiversity Research and Conservation Capacity Building for Sustainable Forest Management in the Americas). CONICYT.
2017Strategy for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of the Mountain Ecosystem in the O’Higgins Region. Regional CONICYT.
2018Transfer: Integration of biodiversity into the regional fruit production of O’Higgins. Fondo de Innovación para la Competitividad. GORE.
2017A research network to study the causes and consequences of large-scale forest fires in Chile, including global climate change, ecosystem disruption, and biodiversity loss. Agreement for the Internationalization Performance of the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC1566), financed by the Ministry of Education.
2016Farmland and biodiversity in the Mediterranean ecosystem of central Chile. CONICYT grant and international cooperation with Waitrose UK.
2015Ecology of the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and biotic factors that regulate its population. Fund for Scientific Research Cachapoal, Pacific Hydro Chile.
2016Development of biodiversity indicators to increase the competitiveness of fruit exports in the O’Higgins Region to the European Union. CONICYT / Regional / Vinculación Ciencia Empresa.
2014The Rainforest Standard and its implementation in Chile. Center for Economy and Society & Columbia Global Center. D Melnick and C Bonacic
2014The effect of feral dogs in Chile. Policy paper. Center for Public Policy.
2014Live Andes (Advanced network for the distribution of endangered species. Graduate office grant. PUC
2014Use of Azure for Live Andes. A grant from Windows Azure for Science. Microsoft Research.
2014Study of Micro-mammals, Amphibians, and Reptiles of the Region of                  Tarapaca. Ministry of Agriculture grant
2014Population study of wild camelids for their conservation as cultural and tourist heritage of the Atacama Region. Corporación para la Competitividad e Innovación de la Región de Atacama (CCIRA).
2013Software Live Andes, LACCIR. Microsoft Research. (Bonacic, Neyem) Mobile app Live Andes (Bonacic, Neyem)Webpage Live Andes (Bonacic, Neyem)    
2015The effect of forest replacement by pine plant plantation on biodiversity in the temperate rainforest of Chile. Co-PI. Conicyt-NSF joint grant program
2014Puma population ecology in the Andes of the altiplano. Ministry of Agriculture
2014Assessing the impact of free-ranging dogs (Canis familiaris): the occurrence of feralization and its implications to livestock & wildlife. Chilean Science Fund. FONDECYT REGULAR 2012.
2013Nesting birds of the temperate rainforest. Ministry of Environment fund
2012Plan of action and long-term monitoring of reintroduction of guanacos and huemules in National Reserve Ñuble. VIII Region, Chile
2013Ecology and evaluation of indicator species of biodiversity for sustainable management of the temperate forest of the Andean Araucanía. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Environmental Protection Fund, Research and Environmental Information January 9, 009-2012
2013Ecology and relationship between man and Puma concolor in Alto Cachapoal. Fund for Scientific Research Cachapoal, Pacific Hydro Chile.
2013Supervision. Postdoctoral Project-Marie Curie Forecasting conservation needs for endangered fauna: integrating landscape ecology and ethnoecology to predict habitat quality for the kodkod cat (Leopardusn guigna) in the Chilean temperate rainforest” Pucón, IX Región Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF).
2011Integrating MS Live Earth, Max Ent, and Presence into an interconnectivity platform to assist wildlife conservation in the Andes of Chile and Bolivia (LiveANDES) Chile and Bolivia. Microsoft- Laccir (Latin American and Caribbean Collaborative ICT Research Federation).
2011Population Study of Taruca (Hippocamelus antisensis) and Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) in Tarapacá Chile. Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture of Chile.
2011Discovering and considering birds as sentinels of global change on forests in the Araucanía Pucón, IX Region. National Commission for the Environment – CONAMA. Monitoring temperate forest birds of Araucanía.
2010Population study -oriented to control invasive species Neovison vison (Schreber, 1777) in southern Chile IX-XII Region of Chile. Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture of Chile.  
2010Population and distribution of invasive alien species: wild boar and red deer in Chile IX – XI Region of Chile. Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture of Chile.
2010Applied environmental conservation in the Chena and Lonquén hills of the Metropolitan Region. TRANSELEC-Municipalidad de Calera Tango.
2009Knowing and valuing our wildlife, Pucón, IX Region National Commission on the Environment – CONAMA
2009Development of a long-term Biodiversity Conservation Strategy for Andina Division CODELCO. Metropolitan Region and V Region. CODELCO.]
2008            The ethics, animal welfare, and sustainable use of the vicuna. Whitley award.
2009 Capacity Building in Chilean temperate rainforest. Darwin Initiative. DEFRA. The UK.
2007Sustainable use of the vicuña. Centre for International Studies. PUC.
2007 Study of stress and leukocyte response capacity in wild ungulates. VRAID. PUC
2006Production and Marketing of Fresh Meat and Biltong of Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) in the National Market. Funded by Fundación COPEC.
2005Management of Wild South American Camelids. MACS Project. Funded by the European Union.
2006Conservation medicine in Chile. Wildlife Trust.
2003Conflict resolution between Andean Deer and Agriculture in the Altiplano. Financed by Wildlife Trust.

Latin American Conservation

In 2015, I was appointed a full professor (tenure) and took a sabbatical at The Nelson Institute, funded by The Tinker Foundation. The following year, I received an Award for my contributions to Veterinary Science from The Board of Veterinarians of Chile. Currently, I serve as a Board member of the Asia Pacific Network for Forestry Education, the contact person for Chile of the Ecosecurity Network, and the Convenor of the next Innovation for Conservation International Biodiversity Network.

My commitment to conservation and wildlife extends beyond academia and research. I have continually engaged in collaborations that span continents and cultures, aiming to enhance our understanding and protection of the natural world. Through my work, I strive to bridge the gap between scientific research and practical conservation efforts, ensuring that our findings translate into real-world benefits for ecosystems and their inhabitants.

Wildlife Conservation in Chile

Fauna Australis has conducted research and conservation in the field in different ecosystems of Chile. The main projects are:

– Vicuña Conservation and Sustainable Use in Parinacota.

– Tarucas and guanacos conflict with Agriculture in Parinacota province.

– Conflict resolution between puma and livestock farming in Volcán Isluga National Park.

– A regional conservation strategy for The Atacama desert (The importance of South American Camelids).

– Terrestrial vertebrates of the Tarapacá region (An altitudinal gradient for terrestrial vertebrates).

– Wild carnivores and the effect of feral dogs on the La Campana-Peñuelas National Park.

– The effect of feral dogs on biodiversity in the Andes of central Chile.

– Wildlife Conservation in The Araucanía region.

– Invasive species in Northern Patagonia.

– Guanaco sustainable use in The Metropolitan region and Patagonia

– The effect of tourism on pumas in Torres del Paine National Park.

– Invasive mink in Navarino island